Saturday, June 26, 2021

On June 26, 2021 by Aaifaseo in    No comments




The name of Madhur Day is very famous in the Indian community as well as outside the community. The reason for this is that it is celebrated on the final day of the Hindu month of Ramzan. It is observed on the full moon of the seventh Punjabi month. It is a common occurrence that the elephants' path is adorned with a plaque with the name of the upcoming Raja (king) of Nepal, Babu Bika Premal. On this day, the first child of Premal is expected to come out of the house. This is the sign of prosperity and all the household are enjoined to offer sweets to the newborn.

"Satta Matka", "madur matka" and "kalyan matka" are the three goddesses in the Hindu mythological traditions believed to bring bad luck to a person. On this day, a banana leaf is offered to the daughter of Bika Premal. A female deity called "Bhima" is believed to attend the event and pray for the well-being of the child. The event is celebrated with full pomp and show with the assistance of "Rakhi" & "Pinda". The Kolis of Gaur, Mathura and Puri along with local artisans and elders visit the spot to offer sweets and gifts. Local schools also organize data which are conducted in the school premise and the winner gets the best gift among the others.

The game of "Satta Matka" is played online. The player's login to the respective websites and choose the game from the list offered. Then they click on the mouse to start the game. They can select a desired prize from the given list and click on "start playing" to confirm the choice. The first player completes five rounds of "Satta Matka" within a time limit of 10 minutes. The player who scores the most points wins the game.

The Madhur Day chart is another interesting way to find out information about the ongoing celebrations. This Indian auspicious festival is celebrated during the month of May/June. The popular kids' cartoon character "Dora the Explorer" is the protagonist in the game and her map quest is considered as Mad Hur Matka in India. The kids show their interest in this cartoon when the "Dora the Explorer" video game is launched in the market.

The Madhur Day results are available on the various websites dedicated to Indian festivals. The winners of various competitions are listed on the various portals to encourage competition and excitement in this particular event. The results of satta matka game are listed on the main page of the portals where visitors can browse and search the best reward that matches their requirements. The rewards include various items like coupons, free air tickets to places visited, gift cards, LCD TV sets, gaming consoles, laptops, iPods and so forth.

In countries like Australia, United Kingdom, Canada and other European countries, players may opt for online lottery ticketing sites. These sites are a perfect source for international players who cannot get a fair deal in local outlets. One advantage with online ticketing is that it gives the player's flexibility since they may play for a longer duration in different locations. The players may also play online for a large amount of prize money which they would not get in local outlets.


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